Sharing this real nice piece of LP thuat 2524 from Wat changhai, pim phra rod. Pim Phra Rod has gained lots of popularity recently as pim yai is quite easy to find in the market and pim kamakan has lots of fake or remake one in the market. So, phra rod pim has gone from S$200 a piece few years back to the now current price of S$600-900. A top piece with 95% condition is even asking for 25,000 Baht. And price will continue to go up as 2524 is proven effacacious with lots of miracles. A good replacement for 2497 AC Tim, Wat changhai LP thuat if one can't afford one. 2524 is mixed with lots of 2497 wahn.
This piece was submitted to a major conpetition last Sunday (11 March 2012) organized by Samakom. It was verified real in competition though can't get any placing in it. It comes with original competition box.
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