Some Info:
Phra Somdej Wat Nok (AngThong Province) were consecrated by Luang Phor Ferng, Luang Phu Thong and Luang Phu Suk (Wat Makham Thao, Chainat) whom they were pals and often met in consecration ceremonies both in their temples and elsewhere.
Luang Phor Ferng learnt Dharma and Wicha Akom (magical power) from the abbot of Wat Nok and had learnt from many masters during his tudong in the forest. Luang Phor Ferng was a highly respected monk at his time, even Luang Phor Klan of Wat Prayathikaram had high respect for him.
The materials used for making Pra Somdej Wat Nok were from various kind of herbs, holy powders from Luang Phor Ferng and Luang Phu Thong. These also included the powders collected during the drawing different types of Kom and Yant (magical scriptures) and sugarcane juice as harderner.
As informed by the elders from the villages around AngThong province, Pra Wat Nok were very efficacious for Metta Maha Niyom and Kleaw Klart (prevent bodily harm).
Pra Kru Wat Nok – LP Ferng Angtong , Biodata
Wat Nok , official name, Wat Sakunaram, is a famous temple of Angtong Province. Established during the Kingdom of Ayudhya it was deserted for decades until renovated by Luang Poo Ferng, a monk better known for the creation of Pra Wat Nok amulets.
These beautiful century old amulets are full of charactersitic and beautifully preserved. Whats more they are more than affordable.
It is generally assumed that Luang Poo Ferng had created the Pra Wat Nok amulets around BE 2460 to worship Lord Buddha.
Most of the amulets were given to those that had supported the renovation of the temple, Luang Poo Ferng passed away in BE 2467.
Both LP Ferrn and LP Suk, Wat Makhamtao were good friends and it is clear that the design of the Wat Nok amulets used many of the design elements of those created by LP Suk.
-Pim Somdej 3 Chan
-Pim Somdej Tarn Koo
-Pim Somdej 5 Chan (Buddha Image on five-level base)
-Pim Sum Rern Gaew (Buddha Image with classical roof)
-Pim Sum Prasart (Buddha Image with ancient Khmer castle)
-Pim Nang Kwak
-Pim Khang U (Buddha Image with U, the sacred spell, to9 both right and left.)
Pra Wat Nok amulets are fairly robust pims due to a combination of the composition and drying process over decades.
Generally these amulets can be found in 4 colour variations, black, grey, yellow, brown. The colours caused by the materials used to create the amulets and the reaction with the environment,
Sacred Kru
After Luang Poo Ferng hjad created these amulets the majority were either stored within a Kru or placed within a scared Chedi at Wat Srakes, Angtong province.
Luang Phor Toh, then abbot of Wat Srakes, Arngtong Province, had discovered the Kru which he opened. The amulets were again distributed to new worshippers who had supported the temple’s renovation project.
Luang Poo Fern
Little is known about Luang Poo Ferng, the monk that had created these amulets. What is known is that he was a quiet and dedicated monk who preferred to practice and study sacred sciences alone.
It is recorded that he had been offered high ranking positions on a number of occasions and refused not wanting recognition beyond his current status.
Ultimately he was to become one of the most highly respected and sacred monks of his generation.
Despite the lack of information available from the archives there are many accounts of the efficacy of his amulets.
A typical example is that of a physician, who said that he was involved in collision with a truck whilst driving his motorcycle. He was dragged for 20 meters but was spared major injury. Witnesses to the accident were sure of his death but attributed his amazing good fortune to the single amulet that he was wearing from Wat Nok.
Note that biography of LP Fern is researched and prepared by buddhist-amulets.com. Used under permission from copyright owner: Buddhist-Amulets.Com
The main point of collecting Wat Nok, amulet was mixed with Bailan powder chanted by Lp Suk of Wat Mak Kam Tao. caz abbot of Wat Nok, he is junior and Lp Suk is senior. good relationship between them. As historical record, Lp Suk sometimes invited abbot of Wat Nok, co-chant amulet or even taught him "Khata and Mantra".
My piece shared, is "doo ngai". Look greenish with glossy look.
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