Tuesday, March 4, 2014

King of Khun phen-LP Tim wat lahanrai

Sharing this piece of LP Tim Khun phen Plai Kuman (KPPK) Pim Yai.
LP Tim needs no introduction and I have blogged about his bio last year. I also wrote about the making of phong plai kuman which makes the khun phen so effective. Together with khun phen made by LP Tae, you have the formidable pair and all the metta and business luck one will ever need.
There are multiple pim made for KPPK. And what I shared below contains a lot of phong plai kuman that makes the amulet greyish brown in colour. Authenticated by samakorm and also featured in LP Tim amulets magazine. Rare to find this condition in the market now.
LP Tim KPPK prices has skyrocketed exponentially. 4 years ago, I own a piece of pim lek and pim yai. Pim lek costs only S$1.8k and pim yai S$4k. and when price starts to increase I thought this is just a hype. It will come down eventually when collectors cool down. So, I rented out both pieces to a collector that wants metta urgently. However, I realise now that I make a wrong judgement. There are multiple opportunities come knocking on my door to get a piece at much lower price than now, but I let it go. Now, a Pim lek costs S$5k up and Pim Yai S$9k up. This entry piece with not good condition. A good and rare pim yai can cost 1 million THB.
So, investing in a nice Pu tim KPPK is like buying a good blue chip. In fact much better returns. It is not a trend. It has been expensive all along and it will be in years to come!

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